Calico is a magazine format theme with several layout options geared towards presenting longer-form projects and blog posts. Calico arranges your content into display blocks and arranges these against a minimal, clean interface to give your audience access to a lot of content quickly. If you have a lot of projects or posts take advantage of the exposed tagging this theme uses; group your content by tags to create genres or categories for your viewers.
Calico expands to fill your browser screen and some layouts use different sized, or alternating blocks to display your content, giving it a fluid feel and heirachy. Further into the theme you’ll find several options for displaying content that favours long descriptions; case studies and more extensive blog posts. Creatives with lots of projects or enthusiastic bloggers will appreciate this theme for it’s customisation settings and it’s sharing options.
Homepage Cover Layouts
Pick a cover layout to create an intro to your work on your homepage. Your cover area can include a slideshow or a single image, and an option intro message.
Homepage Feature Layouts
Use your homepage hero area to display your best, or latest work. Use a single project, or build a slideshow of feature projects feature to get your viewers to the good stuff quickly.
Versatile Project Layouts
Calico features distinctly different project layouts to really make the most of your content, allowing you to display diverse project work across your whole portfolio site in a way that is complimentary and makes sense.